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Surprise Gifts, Discounts and Reward on Referring New Clients

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    • Surprise Gifts, Discounts and Reward on Referring New Clients

SMD honors an existing client with a minimum of 20% discount* or cut in current charges/rate on a successful acquisition of every new client referred by him. You can get a lump-sum discount of 50% as well in case of referring a client of collections more than $1 million.

*Discount applied on first three referrals only and it can be reached up to 60% at maximum (20% for each) under this offer. You have to continue to pay at least 40% of your initially contracted rate to receive our quality services. Upon referring a new customer after, you will have received a valuable surprise gift. Your referring client must be completed a tenure of 1 year at least with SMD to avail that discount offer to you for a contracting period of time. Discount will be applying after 90 days from contracted date with new customer.